Félag Fjallaleiðsögumanna á Íslandi

Association of Icelandic Mountain Guides

Námskeið haustsins 2024

Fall courses 2024

Hard Ice 1:

22nd – 25th of July – This course has finished Register here

12th – 15th of August – Register here

10th – 13th of September – Register here

9th – 12th of October – Register here

Hard Ice 2:

16th – 20th of September – This course is full – Sign up for a waiting list here

Hard Ice 3:

18th – 21st of September – this course is already full – Sign up for waiting list here

Alpine Trekking Guide Training

7th – 11th of August – Register here

Ice cave course:

22nd – 23rd of September – Register here

Námskeið vorsins 2024

Spring courses 2024

Hard Ice 1 courses:

7th – 10th of March – This course is full – Sign up for waiting list – here.

21st – 24th of March – This course is finished – Register here.

11th – 14th of April – This course is finished Register here.

25th – 28th of April – CANCELLED

9th – 12th of May – This course is finished – sign up for waiting list – here

26th – 29th of May – This course is finished Register here.

8th – 11th of June – This course is full – Register here

20th – 23rd of June – This course is full – Register here

22nd – 25th of July – Register here

12th – 15th of August – Register here

Hard Ice 2 courses:

22nd – 26th of April – This course is fully booked, sign up for a waiting list here

9th – 13th of May – This course is fully booked, sign up for a waiting list here

Hard Ice 3 course

14th – 17th of May – This course is fully booked, sign up for a waiting list here

Alpine Trekking Guide (Fjalla 1):

12th – 16th of June – This course is fully booked, sign up for a waiting list here

7th – 11th of August – Register here

Skíðafærnismat/Ski Screening:

4th of February – Registration was open until January 25th – Register here

Grunnþjálfun í Skíðaleiðsögn/ Ski Guide Training

4th – 9th of March – Registration was open until 4th of February.

To register:
Download the attached application form, fill it out and send it to aimgguides@gmail.com
Include in the email subject “Your name, application for SGT

Download registration form here

Course outline:

SGT – Íslenska

SGT – English

Note! Due to an update on the Ski program, AIMG requires all candidates to pass Ski Skills to enter or continue their Ski Guide education.

CAA Operations Level 1 ski

4th – 10th of April -Registration open until 1st of February – Register here

Námskeið haustsins 2023

Fall Courses 2023

Hard Ice 1:
30th of June – 3rd of July –  Sign up here

1st – 4th of September – Register here. 

25th – 28th of  September – Register here.

4th – 7th of October – Registration was open until September 1st. – Register here.

Hard Ice 2:
21st – 25th of September – Registration was open until 20th of August – Register here.

Hard Ice 3:
25th – 28th of September – Registration was open until 25th of August – Register here.

Ice cave course:
9th – 10th of October – Registration was open until 8th of September – Register here. 

Námsskrá fyrir vorið 2023

2023 Spring Course Calendar

Registration for courses in 2023 is now open. More courses will be added later.

View calendar

Ice cave guiding: 9th – 10th of January.

Ski Guide Training 1: 20th – 25th of February. Registration is now closed.

Hard Ice 1 courses:

24th – 27th of March – This course is fully booked – Sign up for a waiting list

17th – 20th of April – Sign up here

20th – 23rd of April – This course is fully booked – Sign up here for a waiting list

5th – 8th of May – This course is fully booked- Sign up here for a waiting list

12th – 15th of May – This course is fully booked – Sign up for a waiting list 

16th – 19th of June – This course is fully booked – Sign up for a waiting list

30th of June – 3rd of July –  Sign up here 

Hard Ice 2 course:

12th – 16th of April – This course is fully booked –  Sign up here for the waiting list

5th – 9th of June – Sign up here for registration

Hard Ice 3 course:

1st – 4th of June – This course is fully booked –  Sign up here for the waiting list

Alpine trekking guide training (Fjalla 1):

2nd – 6th of May – This course is fully booked. Sign up here for a waiting list.

7th – 11th of June – (Registration was open until 1st of May)

Alpine trekking guide (Fjalla 2):

5th – 9th of June – This course is fully booked. Sign up here for a waiting list.


Aðalfundur 2022

Aðalfundur 2022

Aðalfundur Félags Fjallaleiðsögumanna var haldin í gegnum fjarfundarbúnað fimmtudaginn 10.nóvember.

26 félagsmenn voru viðstaddir.

Kosin var ný stjórn. Formaður er Helga María Heiðarsdóttir. Ásamt henni eru í stjórn Garðar Hrafn Sigurjónsson, Mike Walker, Mike Reid, Marco Porta, Íris Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen og Laurent Jegu.


The annual meeting of AIMG was held through Teams on Thursday, November 10.

26 members were present.

Voting took place for a new board. The chairman is Helga María Heiðarsdóttir. With her on the board are Garðar Hrafn Sigurjónsson, Mike Walker, Mike Reid, Marco Porta, Íris Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen and Laurent Jegu.


Listi yfir haustnámskeið 2022

A list of the fall courses for 2022

Here is a list of the courses AIMG is offering this fall. We have added a registration fee of 25.000 ISK. The fee has to be paid right after registration. All remaining course fees must be paid 30 days before the course.

Hard Ice 1: 29.07 – 1.08  – Sign up here.

Hard Ice 1: 19.09 – 22.09 -This course is full – Sign up for a waiting list here.

Hard Ice 1: 7.10 – 10.10  – This course is full –  Sign up for a waiting list here.

Hard Ice 2: 12.09- 16.09 – This course is full – Sign up here for a waiting list. 

Hard Ice 3: 3.10 – 6.10 – This course is full – Sign up for a waiting list here.

Ice cave guiding: 7.10- 8.10 –  Sign up here.

We will add other Hard Ice 1 courses here as soon as the dates will be confirmed.

Skíðaleiðsögn 1, 20. – 25. apríl

Ski guide training 1, 20th -25th of April

Registration for ski guide training 1, 20th -25th of April is now open.

We have now opened up for registration for the ski guide training course this spring.
Overview and prerequisites of the course can be found on the AIMG website: http://aimg.is/ski1/

– Course date: 20th -25h of April
– Course fee: 180.000 ISK
– 12 seats available
– Registration is open until 20th of March

To register:
Download the attached application form and send it to taekninefnd.aimg@gmail.com
Include in the email subject “Your name, application for ski1”

SkiGuideTraining1_application_form (1)

Applicants will receive an answer by 25th of March.

-Note that there are only 12 seats available this year, and we will only host one course.

Námskeið, vorið 2022

Courses, spring 2022

Hard Ice 1, 25th – 28th of April – This course is FULL.  Sign up here for a waiting list.

Hard Ice 1, 26th – 29th of May – This course is FULL – Sign up here for a waiting list.

Hard Ice 1, 17th – 20th of June – This course is FULL – Sign up here for a waiting list.

Hard Ice 3, 13th – 16th of June -This course is FULL – Sign up here for a waiting list.

Alpine trekking guide (Mountain 2), 30th – 4th of May – Sign up here.

We will add other courses here as soon as the dates will be confirmed.

Aðalfundur 2021

Aðalfundur Félags Fjallaleiðsögumanna var haldin í gegnum fjarfundarbúnað þriðjudaginn 30.nóvember.
32 félagsmenn voru viðstaddir.
Kosin var ný stjórn. Formaður er Helga María Heiðarsdóttir. Ásamt henni eru í stjórn Garðar Hrafn Sigurjónsson, Mike Walker, Helgi Þorsteinsson, Árni Stefan Haldorsen, Mike Reid og Marco Porta.

Haustfundur AIMG 2017

Haustundur Félags fjallaleiðsögumanna á Íslandi verður haldinn þann 30. Október 2017 kl. 20. Fundurinn fer fram að Ármúla 23, Reykjavík í húsnæði Klifurhússins, efri hæð.

Fundurinn er Framhalds-Aðalfundur þar sem ekki tókst að kjósa í allar stöður í sumar.

Við vekjum sérstaklega athygli á því að kosið verður aftur til formanns. Einnig er staða eins varamanns laus. Við hvetjum áhugasama sem vilja starfa með okkur að senda línu á aimgguides@gmail.com.

Dagskrá Haustundar 2017:
1. Kosning fundarstjóra sem síðan skipar fundarritara.
2. Skýrsla stjórnar um hvað var gert á árinu og stöðu félagsins.
3. Kosið um lagabreytingartillögur
4. Kjör formanns
5. Kjör eins varamanns í stjórn (búið að kjósa 2 af 3)
7. Kjör tveggja skoðunarmanna ársreikninga.
8. Önnur mál

Lög félagsins um aðalfundi er að finna á vefsíðu félagins, aimg.is
Lagabreytingartillögur þurfa að berast 10 dögum fyrir aðalfund.

Atkvæðisbærir og kjörgengir eru þeir einir sem greitt hafa árgjald yfirstandandi starfsárs fyrir upphaf aðalfundar og hafa lokið öðru stigi eða hærra í einni eða fleiri greinum þjálfunarkerfis félagsins.

Vonumst til að sjá sem flesta,
Með kveðju,
Stjórn Félags fjallaleiðsögumanna á Íslandi, AIMG.

Róbert Þór Haraldsson, fráfarandi formaður
Garðar Hrafn Sigurjónsson, varaformaður
Ástvaldur Helgi Gylfason, galdkeri
Elin Lóa Baldursdóttir, meðstjórnandi
Þorlákur Jón Ingólfsson, meðstjórnandi
Smári Stefánsson, varamaður